Fort Dodge MTB Club Meeting
Date: October 5th, 2021 Time: 6:30pm Location: Phinney Park
New Business
Dirt work on skills area has begun. We are hoping to have all the dirt in place by the end of October.
Ron built a temporary kiosk since it is unclear when the permanent kiosk will be built.
Talked about adding different wood features like berms and drops to the park.
Currently waiting for the vegetation to die off in Loomis Park in order to lay out the new trail.
Next meeting is November 7pm @ TBD.
Lower Lizard Trail
1. Good to go.
Upper Lizard Trail
1. Widen out Covid trail curve.
2. Build wood berms on 2 corners on Flow.
Phinney Park Trail
1. Good to go.
Loomis Park Trail
1. Waiting for vegetation to die off and mark out new trail.
Skills Park & Kids Track
1. Build berms and jumps
2. Build features for technical line.
3. Add picnic tables
Events & Fundraising
1. Need to come up with a good money number for wish list to complete donor packet.
2021 overview
The Fort Dodge MTB Club has prioritized these projects for 2021;
1. Kids skills area.
2. Loomis Park Loop trail.
Long term future project ideas (no particular order);
1. Jump Line (trail would be by the exit of Upper, across the meadow down to the paved street)
2. 19th Hole Trail (trail would come off Flow and head down the ravine south of Flow)
3. Freedom Rock Trail (trail would come off Phinney Loop by Karl King, up to the Freedom Rock, back down hillside into area south of Karl King Bridge.
4. Snell Crawford (build trail in the wooded areas along side of the bike path.)
5. Oleson Park (maintain existing trails already there)
6. Northside of Lizard Creek (build trail north side of Lizard Creek out to Hwy169)